Welcome to Gasai V2
Originally developed by Baba, Lucifer Selfbot has been entrusted to me for continued development, enhancement, and re-release. With over 100 commands and integration with the Gasai Essentials API wrapper, this selfbot ensures seamless functionality and fast command execution. Since taking over, I’ve resolved existing issues, improved account security, and optimized performance to provide an even better user experience.
Once downloaded, place the executable into its own folder, preferably on your desktop. Run the executable, and on first launch, simply follow the first-time setup process. Once completed, you're all set to use the selfbot!
Please ensure you have an invite to Gasai V2 before buying a key!
Get lifetime access to GasaiSB with our one-time payment option.
Lifetime is $10
Buy NowGet lifetime access to GasaiSB and get whatever you want put inside your key.
E.g.: funny-word-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx
Join DiscordWelcome to GasaiV2! The idea for GasaiSB came from all the times people asked if they could use my selfbot or how they could set up something similar for their own bot commands. We've put a lot of effort into making GasaiSB stand out for its reliability and unique features. We've tested it thoroughly to ensure it can run continuously for days, keeping all its commands running smoothly without any issues.
Whether you're looking for a lightweight bot or one packed with features, GasaiSB has got you covered. With over 300 commands to choose from, you can tailor it to be as simple or as complex as you need. Plus, with our Discord overlay feature, which you can turn on in the settings, your experience will be even better.
I'm here to help, so if you run into any issues, don't hesitate to reach out. And don't worry if I'm not available; we have a fantastic, supportive community ready to assist you, ensuring you'll have a smooth experience with the bot.
A: Go to https://phoenixnap.com/kb/ffmpeg-windows it will show you how to install ffmpeg and set it up
A: Try deleting your config if that doesnt work re download GasaiSB
A: Auth down for a lil bit :)
A: Dont worry about these, use them to get help in tickets or the server.
A: Reset your HWID on the dashboard or open a ticket in the Discord server.
A: Watch for announcements. Run the bot and up will auto-check for updates, if a new update is found it will give you a link to download it / download it for you.
A: When ever I get a chance to update or have time to.
A: Open a ticket and ask for ME (The Owner) to get a password reset.
A: Open the config.json file and set message debugging to false.
A: Put the py file inside the custom scripts folder and start gasai, all scripts will be loaded when the bot starts.
A: Ask me in DM's the minimum order for resellers is 5 keys.
Last updated: May 27, 2023
.ipinfo {ipaddress} | Gets information about an ip | Aliases: ip, iptrack
.proxyscrape [proxy_type=all] | File of proxys | Aliases: No aliases
.dnslookup {hostaddr} | Gets DNS information about an IP/Domain | Aliases: dnsl
.firewall {domain} | Checks for a firewall on a domain (website.tld) | Aliases: No aliases
.randomip | Generates a random online IP | Aliases: No aliases
.traceroute {ipaddress} | Sends traceroute of an IP | Aliases: No aliases
.geolocate {ipaddress} | Geo locates an ip with google maps | Aliases: No aliases
.portscan {ipaddress} {portrange} | Scans for open ports eg: portscan 10-200 | Aliases: No aliases
.nslookup {hostaddr} | Gets name servers from a domain | Aliases: ns
.ipdetail {ip} | Sends detailed info about an IP | Aliases: No aliases
.advpingip {ip} | Uses special methods to attempt to ping an IP | Aliases: advping
.icmp {ip} | Custom ICMP ping (this doesnt use cmds ping) | Aliases: No aliases
.pingwebsite {website} | Pings a website to see if its ip or not | Aliases: No aliases
.vpncheck {ipaddress} | Checks to see if the IP is detected as a VPN or not | Aliases: No aliases
.pingip {ipaddress} | Tells you if the IP is online or not | Aliases: ping
.sess | Prints all sessions to the chat | Aliases: No aliases
.getinfo [user] | No description available. | Aliases: No aliases
.monkeyman | Sends a soundboard sound | Aliases: No aliases
.passcache {link} | No description available. | Aliases: No aliases
.stonerlookup {user} | Uses stoners lookup function (testing for them) | Aliases: No aliases
.dmc | No description available. | Aliases: No aliases
.displayname {member} | Prints a persons display name to the console | Aliases: No aliases
.rpfp | Monkey ahhh | Aliases: No aliases
.genwebcode | Does some web stuff | Aliases: No aliases
.test | No description available. | Aliases: No aliases
.resolveuser {username} | Resolve username to ID | Aliases: No aliases
.sql {voiceid} | Streams video to a vc | Aliases: No aliases
.ppp {user_id} | No description available. | Aliases: No aliases
.minicodeblock | Execute a chaotic sequence of ANSI escape codes | Aliases: No aliases
.ggg | No description available. | Aliases: No aliases
.solve {text} | Compleates hannahs challenge | Aliases: No aliases
.mm {guild_id} [smart=false] | No description available. | Aliases: No aliases
.getmembers [guild_id] | Member scrape | Aliases: No aliases
.help | help | Aliases: No aliases
.changelog [hide=False] | Changelog... | Aliases: No aliases
.search {commandname} | Searches for a command | Aliases: s
.gasaisbold | Welcome to GasaiSB | Aliases: No aliases
.usage {commmandname} | Gets info about a command | Aliases: u
.gasaisb | Welcome to GasaiSB | Aliases: No aliases
.enableoverseer | Enables/Disables overseer server | Aliases: No aliases
.buildwatchserver | Creates an overseer server to log everything, after you run this command make sure to enable overseer in config.json | Aliases: watchserver, bws
.newwebhook [channel] | Makes a new webhook for a channel/s in the overseer | Aliases: No aliases
.msspam {ms} {loop} {message} | Spam with custom ms | Aliases: No aliases
.news {message} | News theme for your text message | Aliases: No aliases
.updown {text} | MaKeS yOuR tExT lOoK lIkE tHiS | Aliases: No aliases
.chatbypass {text} | Bypass bots detecting bad words | Aliases: No aliases
.stopspam | Stops the chat spam if you want to stop it early (works on tts and msspam spam command too) | Aliases: No aliases
.react {amount} {emoji} | Reacts to x messages in the chat | Aliases: No aliases
.counter | Send a timestamp of set to the current time | Aliases: ts
.masschannelspam {amount} {message} | Spams your message in all channels in server | Aliases: No aliases
.fliptext {text} | Flips your text upside down | Aliases: No aliases
.unreact {amount} {emoji} | Removes the reaction on x messages in the chat | Aliases: No aliases
.recover | Sends the last deleted message in the chat | Aliases: snipe
.stopmasschannelspam | Stops masschannelspam if you want to stop it early | Aliases: No aliases
.hash_md5 {message} | Encrypts your message in md5 | Aliases: No aliases
.embed {title} {description} | Sends an embed | Aliases: No aliases
.b64 {encode} {message} | encodes/decodes your message in base64 | Aliases: No aliases
.hash_sha1 {message} | Encrypts your message in sha1 | Aliases: No aliases
.pink {message} | Sends a pink message in a codeblock | Aliases: No aliases
.leet {message} | Makes your message leet text | Aliases: No aliases
.hash_sha256 {message} | Encrypts your message in sha256 | Aliases: No aliases
.qd {message} | Quickly sends a message then deletes it | Aliases: No aliases
.hash_sha512 {message} | Encrypts your message in sha512 | Aliases: No aliases
.clap {message} | claps in between your text | Aliases: No aliases
.rainbow {message} | Sends a rainbow message in a codeblock | Aliases: No aliases
.multi {message} | Sends each word in your sentence separately. | Aliases: No aliases
.nitro {number} | Generate x ammount of nitro codes | Aliases: No aliases
.easter {message} | Sends a easter theme message in a codeblock | Aliases: No aliases
.reverse {message} | Reverses your message | Aliases: No aliases
.halloween {message} | Sends a halloween theme message in a codeblock | Aliases: No aliases
.shrug | ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | Aliases: No aliases
.translate {lang} {message} | translates your message into another language | Aliases: No aliases
.firstmessage | Gets the first chats message's jumpurl | Aliases: first
.massreply {ammount} {text} | Mass replys x messages in a channel | Aliases: No aliases
.ascii {message} | Transforms your text into ascii art | Aliases: No aliases
.shy | Funky shy fingers | Aliases: No aliases
.helper | Lists all the commands in one code block {doesnt show arguements for commands} | Aliases: No aliases
.nine11 | Ascii art of 911 | Aliases: 911
.wave {message} | Makes your message wave like | Aliases: No aliases
.playdate | Spams the play date lyrics into the chat | Aliases: No aliases
.uwu {message} | Uwuify your text | Aliases: No aliases
.notfunny | Tells someone how not funny they are | Aliases: No aliases
.modtext {user_message} | Makes you talk like a Discord mod | Aliases: No aliases
.spam {amount} {message} | spamms your message x amount of times | Aliases: No aliases
.animate {message} | Does a cool typing animation for your text | Aliases: No aliases
.gone | Huge space wall | Aliases: No aliases
.spamtts {amount} {message} | spamms your message x amount of times as tts | Aliases: No aliases
.scrolling {message} | Scrolls your text message | Aliases: No aliases
.gamble {amount} | Gambles your money away | Aliases: No aliases
.deposit {amount} | Deposits money into the bank | Aliases: No aliases
.balance | Displays your wallet and bank balance | Aliases: No aliases
.setcoins {amount} | CHEATER!!! | Aliases: No aliases
.openaccount | Opens a gambling account | Aliases: No aliases
.withdraw {amount} | Withdraws money from the bank | Aliases: No aliases
.blog {user_message} | Hides your message from bots that log messages | Aliases: No aliases
.vanity {custom_invite} {real_invite} | Sends an invite link without the invite in the message | Aliases: No aliases
.emojisave | Saves all emojis from the server to a folder in misc | Aliases: No aliases
.pfpscrape | Scrapes all servers your in for peoples pfp's | Aliases: No aliases
.antilog {text} | Most selfbots and Discord bots are unable to log this text | Aliases: No aliases
.tokenspoof {token} | Generates a second token for a Discord account | Aliases: No aliases
.asciicrash {count} | Ascii spammer that can slow down and lag discord clients | Aliases: No aliases
.restart | Restart current playing song | Aliases: No aliases
.skip | Skips current song and plays next in queue | Aliases: No aliases
.song | Displays the currently playing song | Aliases: No aliases
.screamplay [channel_id=none] {search} | Ear rape a song as its finest | Aliases: No aliases
.pause | Pause current song | Aliases: No aliases
.last | Displays the last played song | Aliases: No aliases
.remove {name_or_number} | Removes a song from the queue | Aliases: No aliases
.live [channel_id=none] {url} | Streams live youtube audio | Aliases: No aliases
.resume | Resume current song | Aliases: No aliases
.next | Displays the next song in the queue | Aliases: No aliases
.stoplive | Stops live audio | Aliases: No aliases
.volume {volume} | Sets the volume of the music | Aliases: No aliases
.stop | Stops music and kicks bot | Aliases: No aliases
.queue | Displays current queue | Aliases: No aliases
.play [channel_id=none] {search} | Plays a song inside a voice chat | Aliases: No aliases
.pvtleave [user] | Leave the private call | Aliases: leavecall
.stoppvtlive [user] | Stops live audio | Aliases: No aliases
.call [user] | Call private chat | Aliases: No aliases
.pvtcrash {amount} | Drops private calls | Aliases: No aliases
.spamghostcall {amount} [user] | Spam ghost call a private chat | Aliases: No aliases
.spamcall {amount} [user] | Spam call a private chat | Aliases: No aliases
.ghostcall [user] | Ghost Call private chat | Aliases: No aliases
.pvtlive {url} [user] [ghostcall=False] | Streams live youtube audio to a private chat | Aliases: No aliases
.userlookup [user] | Gets information about the user | Aliases: userinfo
.mutualguilds [user] | Gets mutual guilds with the user | Aliases: mguilds
.checkstatus [member] | Checks if the user is online or not | Aliases: userstatus, us
.pfp [user] | Sends the persons pfp to the chat | Aliases: No aliases
.mutualfriends [user] | Gets mutual friends with the user | Aliases: mfriends
.friendinvite | Makes a friend invite link to send to someone | Aliases: No aliases
.rejoinvc | Attempts to rejoin the vc (used for selfjoinvc command) | Aliases: rejoin
.stopforcedisconnect [user] | Stops user getting kicked from vc | Aliases: sfvck, sautodc
.unmuteself | Unmutes self in a vc (need perms) | Aliases: No aliases
.forceundef | Force server deafen in a vc (need admin) | Aliases: No aliases
.youtubevoice {url} | Sends youtube video as a vocie message | Aliases: ytvoice
.fakejoinvc {voiceid} | Fake joins you to a vc | Aliases: joinvc
.forceundisable | Force disable server undef and unmute in a vc (need admin) | Aliases: No aliases
.vcannoy {currentvcid} {anothervcid} {amount} {member} | VC annoyance | Aliases: No aliases
.vcinfo | Shows info about vc BOT is connected to | Aliases: No aliases
.forcedisconnect [user] | When they join vc they will be immediately kicked (perms needed) | Aliases: fvck, autodc
.forceunenable | Force enable server undef and unmute in a vc (need admin) | Aliases: No aliases
.vcannoy2 {amount} {member} | VC annoyance from top to bottom | Aliases: No aliases
.fakeleave | Leaves the vc | Aliases: leavevc
.spotifyvoice {song_url} | Sends the preview of a song to the chat | Aliases: svoice
.forceunmute | Force server unmutes in a vc (need admin) | Aliases: No aliases
.muteself | Mutes self in a vc (need perms) | Aliases: No aliases
.csstats {steam64id} | Gets a fivem server ip with CFX code | Aliases: No aliases
.getpinged {amount} | Fake a mass ping in a channel/dm | Aliases: No aliases
.ps5on | Turn on PS5 | Aliases: No aliases
.fivem {cfx} | Gets a fivem server ip with CFX code | Aliases: No aliases
.fuckyou [user] | Type this in someones dms to fuck with them | Aliases: No aliases
.massgetpinged {amount} | Fake a mass ping in all channels in a server | Aliases: No aliases
.ps5off | Turn off PS5 (1/10 chance this works) | Aliases: No aliases
.sharecommandswhitelist [user] | Manage sharing of commands | Aliases: swhitelist
.ps5info | Gets your info about your PS5 Stuff | Aliases: No aliases
.sharecommands | Enabled/Disables shareing of commands | Aliases: toggleshare
.ban {member} | Bans the user from the server | Aliases: No aliases
.removerole {member} {role} | Removes a user from the role | Aliases: No aliases
.unban {uid} | Unbans the user from the server | Aliases: No aliases
.webhook {name} | Makes a webhook with the name you set | Aliases: No aliases
.kick {user} | Kicks the user from the server | Aliases: No aliases
.banlist | Gets servers ban list | Aliases: No aliases
.delwebhook {webid} | Deletes the webhook from id | Aliases: No aliases
.webhookinfo {webid} | Returns information about a webhook from id | Aliases: No aliases
.nick {member} {nick} | Changes someones nick name | Aliases: No aliases
.slowmode [seconds] | Sets the servers slow mode settings | Aliases: No aliases
.textchannel {text} | Creates a text channel | Aliases: No aliases
.renamechannel {channel} {name} | Renames a single channel | Aliases: No aliases
.renamecategory {category} {name} | Renames a single category | Aliases: No aliases
.voicechannel {text} | Creates a voice channel | Aliases: No aliases
.renamevoice {voice_channel} {name} | Renames a single voice channel | Aliases: No aliases
.category {text} | Creates a category | Aliases: No aliases
.renamerole {role} {new_name} | Renames a single role | Aliases: No aliases
.makerole {text} | Creates a role | Aliases: No aliases
.delrole {rolename} | Deletes a role | Aliases: No aliases
.addrole {user} {role} | Adds a user to a role | Aliases: No aliases
.purgefilter {text} {amount} | Purges x amount of messages with a certain word in it | Aliases: No aliases
.loghtml | Logs all messages as html | Aliases: No aliases
.purgedm {user_id} | Purge all messages in a dm chat. | Aliases: No aliases
.fakepurge | Purges chat without permission | Aliases: fpurge, fp
.purge {amount} | Purges x amount of messages | Aliases: No aliases
.downloadattachments {channel_id} [amount=10] | No description available. | Aliases: No aliases
.purgeuser {amount} [member] | Purge messagex from a person | Aliases: No aliases
.log {amount} | Logs x amount of messages | Aliases: No aliases
.selfpurge {amount} | Purges x of your own messages | Aliases: No aliases
.purgeid {messageid} | Purge messages until the given message ID | Aliases: No aliases
.logall | Logs all messages | Aliases: No aliases
.currencyfinder {currency} | Currency finder EG: usd = united states dollar | Aliases: cf, currencyfind
.gay [user] | Shows the % of how gay someone might be | Aliases: No aliases
.bored | Gives you an activity to cure boredom | Aliases: No aliases
.urban {search_terms} | Searches urban for a word | Aliases: No aliases
.slap [user] | Slaps a user | Aliases: No aliases
.rickroll | Rick rolls the chat | Aliases: rr
.kanye | Random Kanye quote | Aliases: No aliases
.stopguessthenumber | Stops guess the number | Aliases: sgtn
.lyrics {song} | Gets the lyrics to a song | Aliases: No aliases
.phlogo [porn] [hub] | Sends a custom pornhub logo | Aliases: No aliases
.coinflip | Flips a coin | Aliases: No aliases
.yomomma | Funny haha, yo momma joke | Aliases: No aliases
.eightball {question} | 8ball. idk. you asked, not me | Aliases: No aliases
.yuno | Awesome Yuno Gasai quote | Aliases: No aliases
.animequote | Random quote from an anime | Aliases: No aliases
.diceroll | Rolls 6 sided die | Aliases: No aliases
.topic | Random topic | Aliases: No aliases
.dick {user} | Shows how big someones dick is | Aliases: No aliases
.slots | Slots game | Aliases: No aliases
.fbiwanted | Shows the most wanted person on the FBI watch list | Aliases: No aliases
.chucknorris | Chuck Norris joke | Aliases: No aliases
.fbitop | Shows the top 10 people on the FBI watch list | Aliases: No aliases
.techy | Sends a techy message | Aliases: No aliases
.google {num_results} {query} | Googles something for you | Aliases: No aliases
.dankmemer | Starts dankmemer farm | Aliases: No aliases
.randomnumber {lower} {higher} | Generates a random number between x and x | Aliases: No aliases
.stopdankmemer | Stops dankmemer farm | Aliases: No aliases
.tts {message} | Makes the message tts | Aliases: No aliases
.whosage {name} | Name to age | Aliases: No aliases
.guessthenumber {channel} {minnum} {maxnum} | Generates numbers at random in a channel | Aliases: gtn
.hashbrute {threads} {hash_type} {hash_str} {url_to_txt} | No description available. | Aliases: No aliases
.massrenamecategory {name} | Mass renames categorys | Aliases: No aliases
.massrenamevoice {name} | Mass renames voice channels | Aliases: No aliases
.spamwebhook {webhook_url} {loop} {message} | Spam a webhook with a message | Aliases: No aliases
.massrenamerole {new_name} | Mass renames roles in the server | Aliases: No aliases
.spamrole [amount=1] [name=GasaiSB] [color=#ef00ff] | Spam creates roles | Aliases: No aliases
.webraid {loop} {message} | Raids a server using webhooks | Aliases: No aliases
.spamchannel [amount=1] [name=GasaiSB] | Spam creates channels | Aliases: No aliases
.nuke [yes=False] | Nukes everything in a server | Aliases: destroyserver
.spamvoicechat [amount=1] [name=GasaiSB] | Spam creates voice chats | Aliases: No aliases
.spamcategory [amount=1] [name=GasaiSB] | Spam creates categorys | Aliases: No aliases
.noleave [user] | Makes a user not able to leave a group chat (must be added as a friend) | Aliases: No aliases
.selfmassdm [message] | Uses your account to message everyone in the server in there dms | Aliases: No aliases
.allowleave [user] | Allows the user to leave the group chat | Aliases: No aliases
.spamgreet {amount} {message_id} | Spam greet someone in the chat by message id | Aliases: No aliases
.auditspam [amount=1] | Spams audit log | Aliases: No aliases
.banall | Bans all the users in the server | Aliases: No aliases
.kickall | Kicks all the users in the server | Aliases: No aliases
.unbanall | Unbans all users in the server | Aliases: No aliases
.nukechannels | Deletes all the channels in the server | Aliases: No aliases
.nukeroles | Deletes all the roles in the server | Aliases: No aliases
.massrenamechannels {name} | Mass renames channels | Aliases: No aliases
.injecthidecursor | Hide cursor in console | Aliases: No aliases
.injectclear | Clears the selfbots console | Aliases: No aliases
.injectchangecursorcolor [color=red] | Change Cursor Color | Aliases: No aliases
.injectalert [amount=1] | Sends a windows alert sound to selfbot users | Aliases: No aliases
.injectshowcursor | Show cursor in console | Aliases: No aliases
.injecthome | Move cursor to home position, can break consoles | Aliases: No aliases
.injectscrollup [amount=50] | Scrolls the console up | Aliases: No aliases
.injectpushtitle [push_title=Push Title] | Push the Icon Name and Window Title to Stack | Aliases: No aliases
.injecttitle {title} | Change selfbots terminal title | Aliases: No aliases
.injectseticonname [icon_name=Icon Name] | Set Window Icon Name | Aliases: No aliases
.injectchaos | Breaks the console | Aliases: No aliases
.injectpoptitle | Pop the Icon Name and Window Title from Stack | Aliases: No aliases
.injectcut | Cuts top text of a terminal | Aliases: No aliases
.injectscrolldown [amount=50] | Scrolls the console down | Aliases: No aliases
.injectinvistext {message} | Unable to see the message in console | Aliases: No aliases
.injectsettitleicon [title_icon_name=Title and Icon Name] | Set Window Title and Icon Name | Aliases: No aliases
.smpcnsl {amount} {message} | Spam a selfbot users console using a message | Aliases: No aliases
.injectconsole {amount} | Epilectic | Aliases: No aliases
.antinick | Changes your nickname back if chaned (perms needed) | Aliases: No aliases
.nickname {text} | Sets your nickname in a server | Aliases: snick
.cinfo | Gets the channel info | Aliases: No aliases
.clearnickname | Resets your name in a server | Aliases: cnick
.invnickname | Sets your nickname to invis | Aliases: No aliases
.exportusers | Exports all the users in the discord server to a text file | Aliases: txtusers
.serverinfo [guild] | Gets info about the server you run the command in | Aliases: sinfo
.junknickname | Random weird nickname | Aliases: No aliases
.backupservers | Backs up all your discord servers into a text file | Aliases: bservers
.invite [uses=22] [channelid] | Creates a server invite (uses: 1-100) | Aliases: No aliases
.cloneserver {server_to_clone_id} | Turns current server into clone of server id you specify | Aliases: No aliases
.massdeleteservers | Deletes all created servers (doesnt work on accounts with 2fa) | Aliases: No aliases
.inviteinfo {invite} | Gets information about a server invite | Aliases: No aliases
.getserverinvites | Tries to get all the servers invite codes | Aliases: serverinvites
.cthread {thread_name} {message_id} {content} | Creates a thread | Aliases: No aliases
.rainbowrole {role} | Makes a role in a server rainbow colors (might ratelimit) | Aliases: rgbrole
.roleinfo {roleid} | Gets information about the role | Aliases: rinfo
.massthreadspam | Spams threads on the last 50 messages sent in every channel in a server | Aliases: No aliases
.createserver {servername} | creates a discord server with the name | Aliases: cserver
.csvusers | Exports all the users in the discord server to a csv file | Aliases: No aliases
.greet {message_id} | Greets someone in the chat by message id | Aliases: No aliases
.opnhome | Opens the Discord Home | Aliases: No aliases
.opnfamily | Opens the Family Centre | Aliases: No aliases
.opnfriends | Opens the Friends tab | Aliases: No aliases
.opnchannel {channel_id} | Opens a channel by ID (from guild) | Aliases: No aliases
.opnnitro | Opens the Nitro tab in the store | Aliases: No aliases
.opnprofile {user} | Opens someones profile | Aliases: No aliases
.opnmessages | Opens the Message Requests | Aliases: No aliases
.start_spotify | Connects Gasai to your spotify | Aliases: No aliases
.spopos {pos} | Skips to position in song (ms) | Aliases: No aliases
.listenalong [user] | Sends a spotify listen along to the chat | Aliases: No aliases
.spotifyinfo | Prints all spotify info to chat | Aliases: No aliases
.spoplay [input] | Plays what the person is playing on Spotify | Aliases: No aliases
.spopause | Pauses Spotify | Aliases: No aliases
.sponext | Skips to the next song on Spotify | Aliases: sposkip
.link_spotify | Links your spotify acc to selfbot | Aliases: No aliases
.metainfo [user] | Gets the spotify metadata of what someone is listening to | Aliases: No aliases
.spoprevious | Skips to the last song on Spotify | Aliases: No aliases
.stopactivity | Stops looping your online presence | Aliases: No aliases
.terroriststatus | Sets status to funny text | Aliases: No aliases
.clearstatus | Clears your status | Aliases: No aliases
.idle | Sets your status to idle | Aliases: No aliases
.statusscroll {message} | Cool custom scroll status | Aliases: No aliases
.rpc | Sets custom RPC from custom_rpc.json | Aliases: No aliases
.dnd | Sets your status to dnd | Aliases: No aliases
.online | Sets your status to online | Aliases: No aliases
.clockstatus | Makes your status tell the time and date | Aliases: No aliases
.stopstatus | Stops the statusscroll | Aliases: No aliases
.stoprpc | Stops custom RPC from custom_rpc.json | Aliases: No aliases
.stopclockstatus | Stops the clockstatus | Aliases: No aliases
.statusloop | Loops your online presence | Aliases: No aliases
.offline | Sets your status to offline | Aliases: No aliases
.status {text} | Sets your status | Aliases: No aliases
.usermusic {url} | Downloads YouTube song/playlist to your usermusic folder for GTA | Aliases: No aliases
.blackscreen | Sends a link, if a user clicks it, it makes there screen go black | Aliases: No aliases
.invislag {amount} | Spamms invis text to the chat to lag it | Aliases: No aliases
.massgc {userid} {times} | Makes a user join 1-10 group chats (RUN THIS IN SOMEONES ELSES DMS AND USE TARGETS USERID!) | Aliases: No aliases
.faketoken [user] | Makes the user think you have there discord token XD | Aliases: No aliases
.copy [user] | Copys everything a user says | Aliases: No aliases
.massedit {ammount} {message} | Changes all your messages in channel to what ever... | Aliases: No aliases
.bypasschar2 | Another way to bypass char limit | Aliases: No aliases
.gping [user] | Ghost ping a user | Aliases: No aliases
.gckickall | Kicks everyone inside a group chat | Aliases: No aliases
.cgping [user] | Ghost ping a user in all channels | Aliases: No aliases
.leavegc | leaves the group chat you type in | Aliases: No aliases
.typing {seconds} | Fakes you typing in a chat for x seconds | Aliases: No aliases
.fakeateveryone | sends https://@[email protected] in chat | Aliases: No aliases
.atmessage {message} | Pings everyone in a message without pinging @everyone | Aliases: No aliases
.imagevirus | Send an image that will activate windows defender (its safe, also might trigger yours...) | Aliases: No aliases
.fping {user} {message} | Ping someone in a message without pinging them | Aliases: No aliases
.ge {message} | Glitched edit on your message | Aliases: No aliases
.stopcopy [user] | Stops copying a user | Aliases: No aliases
.control | TaKe CoNtRoL | Aliases: No aliases
.massping | Mass ping everyone in a server | Aliases: No aliases
.hydropress | Ummmmmmmmmm | Aliases: No aliases
.massghostping | Mass ghost ping everyone in a server | Aliases: No aliases
.blank | Sends a blank message | Aliases: No aliases
.filelag {amount} | Spamms a text file inside a channel to lag it and potentially crash it | Aliases: No aliases
.copying | Shows who you are currently copying | Aliases: No aliases
.bypasschar | Sends a HUGE message in a chat bypassing char limit | Aliases: No aliases
.virusprank | Activate windows defender (its safe, also might trigger yours...) | Aliases: virus, vp
Don't have an account? Register
To get started with GasaiSB, follow these steps:
The config.json
file controls how GasaiSB operates. Below are the most important settings you can configure:
"token": "your discord token"
— Your authentication token."prefix": "prefix here"
— The prefix used to trigger commands."auto_login": true/false
— Allows the bot to automatically log in at startup."command_delay": 0
— Adds a delay (in seconds) before a command is executed, useful for bypassing spam detection."log_bot_start": true/false
— Logs when the bot starts."_delete_after_": 3
— Sets a timer (in seconds) for how long the bot's messages will remain before being deleted."mobile_mode": true/false
— Makes help panels display as asciidoc instead of ansi (deprecated feature)."help_panel_timer": 0
— If greater than 0, help panels will be deleted after the specified number of seconds."help_images": true/false
— Enables image-based help panels if custom themes are used."share_commands": true/false
— Allows you to share commands with other users."share_commands_whitelist": true/false
— A list of users who are allowed to use shared commands."typing_delay": 3
— Delay (in seconds) used for the typeback feature."rpc_on_start": true/false
— Automatically enables your Rich Presence (RPC) when the bot starts."gping_back": true/false
— Automatically ghost pings users back if they ghost ping you."gasai_overseer": true/false
— Enables the Gasai Overseer feature."spotify_on_start": true/false
— Links your Spotify account to Discord through Gasai when the bot starts."command_suggestions": true/false
— If a command is mistyped, the bot will suggest the closest matching command."don_pablo": true/false
— Sends Pablo in Pablo chat in the official server after someone else does."dm_typeback": true/false
— Automatically types back to users who are typing to you in DMs."group_typeback": true/false
— Automatically types back to users who are typing to you in group chats."guild_typeback": true/false
— Automatically types back to users who are typing to you in servers."auto_token": true/false
— Automatically scans your Discord client for tokens instead of using the one in config.json
."help_description_length": 30
— Specifies how long the descriptions should be in help panels before they are cut off."save_friends_at_start": true/false
— When enabled saves a backup of your friends list to misc/friends.txt."black"
— Resets to the default console color."console_color"
— Uses the default console color scheme.All of the debugging settings control whether specific actions are logged to the console. Set these to true
if you want the actions to be displayed in the console.
All of the logging settings control whether specific actions or events trigger a log. Set these to true
if you want the actions or events to log the events.
All of the notification settings control whether specific actions or events trigger a notification. Set these to true
if you want the actions or events to trigger a notification.
Sniper settings allow the bot to automatically engage in certain actions when specific events occur:
"nitro_sniper": true/false
— Watches for when a Nitro link is sent in chat. If a message contains a promo.discord.gg
or discord.gift
link, the bot will attempt to redeem the code on your account as fast as possible, while ignoring fake codes too."giveaway_joiner": true/false
— Watches for messages from GiveawayBot and GiveawayBoat. If they send a message asking to join a giveaway, the bot will automatically join. Two additional settings can be configured:"giveaway_delay": 2.5
— Sets a delay (in seconds) before joining the giveaway to avoid suspicion of sniping.Advanced settings provide additional control over the bot's operation:
"smart_scrape": true/false
— Attempts to scrape all members from a server. Note that this can take a long time to complete in large servers and may generate more requests, which can be risky."gasai_console_protections": true/false
— Prevents exploitation of your console through injection commands."discord_identification": "windows/linux/android/ios/console"
— Sets your Discord identification to a specific platform."gateway_encoding": true/false
— Better enabled for slower connections to Discord."ready_encoding": true/false
— Recommended for slower connections to Discord and large accounts."start_in_tray": true/false
— Starts the bot in the system tray."discord_overlay": true/false
— Activates a GUI overlay that you can open when using Discord in a browser or the Discord client."disable_log_handler": true/false
— When enabled, turns off discord logging messgaes, making the console appear more cleanWill send a message to your console when you are given a certian permission in a server. Set these to true
if you want the actions or events to trigger a message. This is best used then you're wanting to exploit a server and are waiting for permissions to be given
AFK settings control how the bot behaves when you are marked as away from keyboard (AFK):
"afkmode": true/false
— Enables or disables AFK mode."afkdelay": 0
— Sets a delay (in minutes) before the bot automatically marks you as AFK."afkmessage": "I am AFK right now, I'll be back soon!"
— The message that will be sent to users when they mention you while you are AFK."afktyping": true/false
— Shows that you are typing your response."afktyping_length": 2
— The length (in seconds) the bot will appear to be typing before sending the AFK message."afk_reply": true/false
— Replys to their message with your AFK message."afkserver": true/false
— Will send your AFK message in sevrers and not just DMs.GasaiSB allows you to add custom commands to extend the bot's functionality:
folder. Store all your Python scripts here.
folder. The bot will automatically load any scripts in this directory.
async def greet(ctx, name: str):
await ctx.send(f"Hello, {name}! Welcome to the server!")
async def multiply(ctx, a: int, b: int):
result = a * b
await ctx.send(f"The result of {a} x {b} is {result}.")
To automatically delete a message after a certain time, use the delete_after
argument in the send
async def secret(ctx):
await ctx.send("This message will self-destruct in 5 seconds.", delete_after=5)
are available as global variables. You can access them directly in your commands without needing additional functions. This approach makes it easier for beginner scripters to utilize settings.
for Configuration
Use the _delete_after_
option from your configuration to control how long messages should persist before being deleted:
async def secret(ctx):
await ctx.send("This message will self-destruct in the specified time.", delete_after=_delete_after_)
To update configuration values dynamically (this won't overwrite unless explicitly saved to the file):
async def set_delete_after(ctx, seconds: int):
global _delete_after_
_delete_after_ = seconds
await ctx.send(f"_delete_after_ has been updated to {seconds} seconds.")
Note: As stated above changes to config options will not persist over restarts unless done manually (or you make your own way to do it).
async def respond_to_mention(message):
if bot.user in message.mentions:
await message.channel.send("You mentioned me!")
async def delete_banned_words(message):
banned_words = ["badword1", "badword2"]
if any(word in message.content.lower() for word in banned_words):
await message.delete()
await message.channel.send(f"Message deleted: `{message.content}` contained banned words.")
and create a custom event listener as shown below:
async def gasai_on_nitro_sniper(nitro_code, regextime, message):
print(f"Nitro code: {nitro_code} in {regextime} seconds from message: {message.content}")
await message.channel.send(f"Sniped a Nitro code: {nitro_code}!")
for embeds:
embed = form_embed(
title="GasaiSB Embed",
description="This is a embed",
await ctx.send(embed)
Description: This function generates a embed URL and supports optional parameters:
: The title of the embedimgurl
: URL for an image to includedescription
: Text description of the embedredirect
: A URL to redirect the userhidden_url
: If set to True
, hides the URL in the messageawait ctx.send(f"The current time is: {timestamp()}")
Description: This function generates a relative timestamp formatted for Discord messages.
to indicate when a message will be deleted:
await ctx.send(get_delete_stamp(), delete_after=_delete_after_)
Description: Uses the current time with _delete_after_ deletion delay to display when content will be removed.
to fetch a list of members from a guild:
@bot.command(description='scrape members')
async def scrapeusers(ctx, guild_id=None):
if guild_id is None:
fullmemberlist = await scrape_users(ctx.guild.id)
fullmemberlist = await scrape_users(guild_id)
message = "\\n".join(fullmemberlist)
await ctx.send(f"```\n{message}\n```")
This command collects all members from a guild. If guild_id
is not provided, it defaults to the current guild.
You can customize the appearance of the bot using themes. These themes are stored in the themes
folder and require the help_images
option to be enabled in your config.json
folder. Use this file to define custom styles for the bot’s interface.
"theme": {
"title": "GasaiSB",
"footer": "Gasai just better",
"logo_path": "",
"background_image": "",
"logo_size": [80, 80],
"background_color": [50, 50, 50],
"line_color": [230, 30, 180],
"line_width": 5,
"width": 600,
"max_lines": 15,
"title_font_path": "",
"content_font_path": "",
"footer_font_path": "",
"title_font_size": 20,
"content_font_size": 18,
"footer_font_size": 18,
"title_color": [255, 255, 255],
"content_color": [255, 255, 255],
"footer_color": [255, 255, 255]
"title_font_path": "font.ttf", // Correct
// Do not use "title_font_path": "fonts/font.ttf"
Switching themes is as easy as updating the theme and loading it again. No need to even restart the bot!
GasaiSB grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software.
You may not modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on the software. Furthermore, you may not rent, lease, sublicense, distribute, transfer, or make the software available to any third party, including hosting it for a friend.
This agreement is effective until terminated. You may terminate at any time by uninstalling and destroying all copies of the software. GasaiSB may terminate this agreement at any time and without reason. Upon termination, you must destroy all copies of the software.
The software is protected by intellectual property laws, including but not limited to copyright law. GasaiSB retains all rights and interests in the software and all intellectual property rights.
All purchases of the software are final and non-refundable.
The software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. GasaiSB disclaims any and all warranties, including without limitation, any warranties concerning the availability, accuracy, usefulness, or content of information and any warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.
In no event will GasaiSB be liable to you or any third party for any indirect, consequential, incidental, special, or punitive damages, including lost profits or lost data, arising from your use of the software. GasaiSB is not liable to you for any cause, regardless of the form of the action.
GasaiSB reserves the right to update and modify these rules at any time without reason or warning.
Charge backs on any payment platform will result in account deletion and keys being banned.
As part of our commitment to user safety and security, the following actions are strictly prohibited and will result in a ban from using our services:
Engaging in these activities will lead to immediate action, including but not limited to permanent bans. We prioritize the safety and privacy of our community members above all else.